In honor of Chief Ervin Powless


Chief Irving Powless, Jr., Daha’tgatdohs, Beaver Clan Chief of the Onondaga Nation, died on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at age 88.

Chief Powless was born in Syracuse, the son of Chief Irving Powless, Sr. and Cecelia (Tarbell) Powless who were active members of the Onondaga Nation.

A member of the Onondaga Nation Council, Chief Powless (Jr.), established an enduring legacy for his exceptional kindness and command of traditional law. He was an expert on Haudenosaunee and Onondaga treaties and shared his knowledge with ease and enthusiasm as a chief for the Onondaga nation for nearly five decades.

He was fortunate in having the deep love of his wife, the late Helen (Jacobs) Powless, the support of his family, and the universal respect of Native people across the continent. He was a man of exceptional natural gifts, not the least of which was his famous quick wit, dry humor, and his ability to restore clarity and peace in times of stress. In return, he was a leader admired and loved across the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

Armed with the knowledge of his people’s treaty rights, he fought New York State and won, establishing the non-taxable status of the Haudenosaunee. He was active in research and action on land claims that included the U.S. government’s restoration of Onondaga Nation lands and upholding their treaty obligations. He never wavered in his belief that the Onondaga Nation and the Haudenosaunee were independent peoples with the absolute right to self-determination.
Chief Powless was appointed as one of three delegates, alongside Faith Keeper Oren Lyons and (late) scholar, John Mohawk, by the Haudenosaunee Grand Council to speak about Haudenosaunee principles to the world. He was a scholar, author, avid hunter, and leader who provided for his children and for those in need. He worked with the Onondaga Nation Council to obtain an addition to the Onondaga Nation School, a new health center on the Nation, and to return sacred objects and wampum belts from museums to the Onondaga people.  The Onondaga Historical Association is among those institutions that returned sacred objects to the Onondaga Nation, including False Face masks and wampum beads.
He published several books, including his latest, “Who are These People Anyway?” A public lecturer and advocate for Native people, Chief Powless wanted the public and governments to have a better understanding of all Native peoples.

A proud member of the CNY Chapter Lacrosse Hall of Fame, Chief Powless was a founder and lacrosse player for the Onondaga Athletic Club. He took great pride in being able to say that he was the only man to knock down Jim Brown in a lacrosse game.

He served in the U.S. Navy alongside his brother, Everette Powless, on the USS Randolph. He retired from Conrail in 1989 after 30 years of service.

During his eight decades of life Chief Powless lived through the greatest technological, environmental, and social changes in human history. He is now on his journey into the spirit world where he will be escorted back to the Creator’s land and met by Helen and his loved ones who have passed before him.

This obituary for Chief Irving Powless, Jr. appeared in the Syracuse Post Standard on December 1, 2017. 

The book, Who Are These People Anyway? by Chief Irving Powless Jr. Powless Jr. has been a chief of the Beaver Clan of the Onondaga Nation since 1964. A historian, statesman, actor, musician, and veteran, he has lectured about Indigenous culture and sovereignty, and has been a key spokesperson for the Haudenosaunee nations.

“In this fascinating book, Powless writes of his experiences living for over eighty years on traditional Onondaga territory. He tells of the teachings passed down through generations and shares traditional knowledge of environmental challenges and sustainability. This book not only provides a better understanding of the Onondaga people, it creates a bridge between the Onondaga and non-Onondaga communities and promises to enhance knowledge of the historical and contemporary issues concerning both communities.”—Brian Rice, associate professor of education, University of Winnipeg

“The narrative of Chief Powless provides unique insights into contemporary Haudenosaunee life from one of the most respected Native leaders of our time. His book is entertaining, informative, and essential if one is to know who we are.”—Doug George-Kanentiio, Akwesasne Mohawk and author of Iroquois on Fire

“Chief Irving Powless Jr. is one of the most eloquent and earth-based speakers I have ever known. It is with great honor I recommend this book, which takes you through his life with stories and belief systems of the Iroquois. A must read!”—Joanne Shenandoah, PhD, Oneida Iroquois

Who Are These People Anyway? (The Iroquois and Their Neighbors) (Amazon)