Jerry Thundercloud Mcdonald

Committed to sharing traditional knowledge 

Where and when

* Dinsdag 25 Okt. namiddag, avond, woensdag voormiddag; Tipi bouw Varik. Adres: Walgtestraat Varik (Gemeente Neder Betuwe) tussen nummer 37 en 39. (Voor inrit staat een ride kar.)
* Woensdag 26 okt.. 14.00 16.00 container Two Row painting. Amsterdam noord bij TreeHouse . Tree House Amsterdam Noord. Two Row Container painting. Leaflet.
* Donderdag 27 okt. nov. sweat bouw Varik. Mogelijk sweat late namiddag avond. Adres: Walgtestraat Varik (Gemeente Neder Betuwe) tussen nummer 37 en 39. (Voor inrit staat een ride kar.)
* vrijdag 28 okt.. sweat Varik. Tijd nog niet bepaald. Vermoedelijk namiddag. Adres: Walgtestraat Varik (Gemeente Neder Betuwe) tussen nummer 37 en 39. (Voor inrit staat een ride kar.)

* zaterdag 29 okt. Box LaCross training Utrecht. 12.00-14.00

* zondag 30 okt. (ondervoorbehoud) bezoek Ruigoord. (Nog in overleg)


In 2009 was er een herdenking gehouden in Amsterdam geleid door Geert Mak, Russel Shorto met moderator Toine Haarhuis. Dit ter nagedachtenis van de Ontdekking van de Engelsman Henry Hudson varende onder Nederlandse vlag (VOC) van de vandaag naar hem genoemde rivier in New York. De geschiedenis verteld ons dat daardoor de kolonie Nieuw Nederland ontstond, vandaag de dag de Amerikaanse Staten New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut en Massachusetts.  Jerry McDonald hield tijden deze bijeenkomst een speech. Zie filmpje. Sindsdien werken Nederlanders en Mohawks, Haudenosaunee aan de vernieuwing van de relatie. The polishing of the Convenant Chain en Two Row Wampum Belt die de verdrag, de afspraken, symboliseren. . Het oppoetsen van de Convenant Ketting, zoals zij dat noemen.

Over ons meer dan 400 jaar oud VERBOND van Vrede, Vriendschap en Respect (gesloten in 1613/1614 *1) met de Mohawks & Mohicans. (Toen de Maqueas en Mohikaners genoemd.) Dit VERBOND (Een VERDRAG in hun ogen) wordt gesymboliseerd door een Wampum Belt met het symbool van twee rijen paarse Wampum (schelpen) kraaltjes. De ene rij zij in hun kanis en de ander wij in onze schepen zij aan zijn levend in vrede vriendschap en respect wat de basis gaf duurzaam te handelen met name in bondvellen.
*1 Bij “Fort Nassau” op Kastelen Eiland (Hoog aan de rivier die vandaag de Hudson Rivier heet en vanwaaruit de Hoofdstad van de staat New York groeide. Dat 10 jaar nog “voor” op Manhattan Fort Nieuw Amsterdam werd gebouwd in 1625 vandaag New York k City.)

Jerry Thundercloud Mcdonald

Self employed and committed to sharing traditional knowledge through cross cultural studies programs and working hard to educate the public on higher standards for the preservation of the environment, {Mother Earth} water resources, air, trees, animals and land use including emersion programs that will educate the youth towards respect and appreciation for life that supports them and improved awareness and talent in singing and dancing skills, production of art, theatre performances and acting for Major Motion film projects including immersion programs that teach speakers, singers and dancers the proper protocol for Native American music and dance representation in Social , spiritual and ceremonial environments. As a hardworking Dance Instructor and singer I am well versed in instructional strategies and development exercises and I am familiar with the Mohawk_Iroquios dance styles, I am also well versed with the lakota style and well known plains pow-wow dances that revolve around the world. As a Dedicated Dance Instructor and music teacher I am always eager to work with students and educators of all skill levels helping individuals, groups and couples excel.


  • Art and music therapy
  • Public speaking and presentations
  • Local arts and culture
  • Staff and educator guidance
  • Workshop and conference presentations
  • Story time, arts and crafts
  • Traditional games
  • Mentoring and guidance
  • Audio and video production {Final Cut Pro}
  • Native American [Dance style] Iroquois

Native American Song And Dance Performer, Actor

Self Employed, Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy | Onondaga Indian Nation, New York | June 1978 – Current

  • Trained, planned and executed ceremonial and Social Dance instruction, history { The Great Laws of Peace} including wampum belts by oral tradition. taught traditional songs, ceremonial protocol, speaking presentations, assisted with historical consultation, choreographed and participated in dance performances off and on Broadway in NYC, Toronto,Ottawa ,California, including Major Motion film projects with TNTs Tecumseh as Drummer,singer, dancer and instructing Pierce Brosnan in his War Dance scene in Richard Attenbourough’s {Grey Owl}. Other Movies and documentaries include Discovery Channel in {Americas First Nations} in Principle leading role as {Peace Maker} and High Steel Iron workers Documentary { SkyDancers} by Katia Esson EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACCOMPLISHMENTS

North American Indian Traveling College

N.A.I.T.C. | Akwesasne Mohawk Indian Reserve, Upstate New York | June 1986 – September 2015

  • Courses in longhouse by oral tradition include researched books, audio, film documentaries and supplemental materials to use in classroom in conjunction with lesson plans and educational curriculum’s.
  • Mentored students and educators by delivering insight, positive feedback and constructive criticism in art, music and dance performances.
  • Tutored students, teachers requiring additional assistance to improve overall comprehension of difficult concepts in Iroquois history ,traditional laws of peace and tribal conflicts of interest.
  • Cross-trained new students and educators by explaining rules, procedures of music and dance protocol and ceremonial responsibilities.
  • Provided onsite training of drum and rattle workshops, dance choreography and music presentations for stage and theater productions on and off broadway, in schools, universities and Major Motion picture productions.
  • Gave informative presentations at conferences and social events to educate new clientele.
  • Attended conferences, United Nations events, including religious events with the Dali Lama, Pope John 11 and the Queen of Jordan in 1980 -2000 and performed as a singer, drummer, eagle dancer in {Drums along the Mohawk} with Lotus Music and dance in NYC to share and network further traditional knowledge.
  • Actor-Mazola Corn oil, Background-canoeing scenes, lacrosse games.
  • Olympic Torch Bearer -1980 Lake placid Winter Olympic games, Runner for Akwesasne Mohawk Nation.
  • Invitation to Sing the Friendship song for Dali Lama with Medicine man Mad Bear Anderson, special event, Boston Mass.
  • Invitation to Sing the Friendship song for Pope John 11, Midland Ontario, NAITC with Mohawk Elder Earnest Benedict, Mohawk Nation.
  • Invitation to sing at the United Nations World Forum 2000, in the presence of { The Queen of Jordan } Mohawk Singers and Dancers, Mohawk Nation, Lotus Music and dance.
  • Acting, in TNT’sTecumseh, Core group {Warriors} battle scenes, drumming and singing war dance songs with chief Hawk Pope.
  • Invitation to join The Longest walk 1978 from LA to Washington D.C. participation as a singer, walker and supporter against injustices of Native Americans
  • Lead Runner, The Longest Run in honor of Jim Thorpe 1984 Olympic games, Representative of the Six Nations relay runners from NYC to Los Angeles, 3600 mile run through 14 states organized by Dennis banks.
  • Acting, Discovery Channel, Principle role { PeaceMaker } AMERICAS FIRST NATIONS, Speaking roles, singing, drumming,dance choreorgraphy and make up and wardrobe. ACTIVITIES AND HONORS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
  • Documentary , SkyDancers , Mohawk High steel Iron Workers, Principle, lead role, narration, singing,drumming, working the high steel as a former foreman of 9-11 Ground Zero World Trade Center attacks.
  • Acting, Major Motion film with Pierce Brosnan, Taught pierce his war dance in Richard Attenborough’s Grey Owl, Choreographed dance scenes, performed as dancer, singer, recorded the music for his scene.
  • Organized and founded The Peacemakers Drum, a traditional Mohawk singing society, trained and taught, music and dance, art, traditional wardrobe, history and travelled with a troupe of 30, performed in Woodstock 2 with Joanne Shenandoah, chief Jake Swamp.
  • Eagle Dance, A tribute to High Steel Indian Iron workers with Lotus Music and dance NYC, Inwood Park, Drums Along the Hudson, Lead Role as Eagle dancer, Singer, Dancer, assisted in wardrobe,choreorgraphy and film editing.
  • * Sang for the Dali Lama with a special Native American Delegation in Boston Massachusetts, 1978
  • * Represented the North American Indian traveling College and sang to John Pope the Second 1980 , Midland Ontario.
  • * Sang for the queen of Jordan, United Nations World Forum, 2000
  • * Ran the olympic torch for the 1980 Winter Olympic games, Lake Placid
  • * Joined the 1978 Longest walk from Los Angeles to Washington D.C.
  • * Lead runner for the Great Jim Thorpe Run from Onondaga Indian Nation to the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984
  • * Performed and sang friendships songs in Woodstock 2 with Joanne Shenandoah and Chief Jake Swamp for opening ceremonies
  • * Performed the Eagle dance Duet , {eagle Spirit} NYC ,2005-2011 with Lotus Music and dance
  • * 400 year commemoration ,Netherlands-Amsterdam, various music and dance performances including a special presentation on the two row wampum belt, a belt of alliance dating back to 1609


Education and training: Lemoyne College | Syracuse, NY

Currently recording new music and over seas programs for cross cultural and educational purposes including planning anew eagle dance performance

Jerry Thundercloud Mcdonald (PDF)